The Bicycle Revival
After many years of car dependence we are back to the basics: the bicycle. It does not require too much space, is emission and noise free, is a fast and flexible mean of transport for the short distance and keeps the rider healthy and in shape. What else could we ask for?
Bicycle riders demand more space. And safety measures. Good delimitated and signalized bicycle paths. An easier rental system.
team red offers comprehensive knowledge about the bicycle as a result of our ten years’ innovative work experience on the German market, where we accumulate significant references and have notable experts.
We're looking forward to working with you!
team red Deutschland GmbH
Almstadtstr. 7
10119 Berlin
You can contact us daily
from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
by phone: +49 (0)30 138 986 35
or by email: info(at)
Your Contact
Thomas Möller
product coordinator
...more about the Team