Project references
Green Ring Hannover
Client: Region of Hannover
Project description: The Green Ring is a "significant regional green link" that connects several and actually typical landscapes in the Region of Hannover and that contributes to the promotion of the natural and environmental recovery. The Green Ring exists since 1988 and is 160 km long. The 80 km-long basic ring goes across the outskirts of Hannover, where it connects with five other loops, three across the surrounding countryside and two inland. The signal system is of importance and has to be highlighted. Instead of having an orientation system based on classic signals to the final destination, blue painted objects are placed (fences, tree stumps and street lamps).
Services: The project objectives are to elaborate an accurate register of the marking locations, to propose possible renovations of the marking objects in case of deficiencies and to look into the addition of necessary new marking locations.
Project number for further inquiries: P248
Progress Report: Implementation of the second Bicycle Account Sachsen
Client: Ministry for Economy and Work of Sachsen (SMWA: Staatsminister für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr)
Project description: The figure of the report is to constitute a basic tool for the establishment of the following steps into the implementation process of the National Bicycle Traffic Plan 2002-2012 and the Sachsen bicycle traffic conception in the coming years.
Through the report it is intended to assess the situation of the bicycle traffic promotion of Sachsen in comparison to the national one, to point out the weaknesses, to give recommendations for the political general conditions of bicycle traffic at both, the regional and the municipal level, and to define problem solving actions.
- Progress Report Analysis
- Comprehensive interviews with those in charge at all levels
- Weak point analysis
- Proposals for process optimization
Project number for further inquiries: P155
Evaluation of the Bicycle Lending System of Mainz "Mein Rad"
Client: Public Transport Company of Mainz Ltd (MVG: Mainzer Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH)
Project description: The Public Transport Company of Mainz is currently starting its bicycle lending system "MeinRad". The concept was awarded in 2009 with the first prize within the nationwide competition "Innovative öffentliche Fahrradverleihsysteme – neue Mobilität in Städten" ("Innovative public bicycle lending systems – new mobility in cities").
Services: team red was hired to be responsible of the pilot project evaluation. A continuous comparison process between planned conception and applied solutions and several dialogues with experts, conducted along with internal and external attendees, raises information and knowledge, which will help to define and implement future bicycle lending systems.
Project number for further inquiries: P231
Innovative Bicycle Lending System UsedomRad
Client: Landkreis Vorpommern
Project description: Concept development for an innovative bicycle lending system that bundles all system users in Usedom Island in one single brand.
The pursued goal is to create a straightforward bicycle lending system which introduces Usedom Island as a high quality tourist destination to the world. The concept was awarded by the National Ministry of Transport and a comprehensive support is foreseen.
- Design of a family brand for the bicycle lending system of Usedom
- Rough concept of a business model
- Definition of concepts submission to the BMVBS (Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung / German Ministry for Transport, Construction and Urban Development)
Project number for further inquiries: P194
Long distance bicycle route Berlin-Usedom
Client: Senate Administration of Berlin
Project description: Detailed concept of the routing of Europe's bicycle routes in the Berlin urban area.
- Routing
- Design planning
- Design of intersections
- Quantity calculation
Project number for further inquiries: P6
Learning Journey Copenhagen
Client: Bicycle Academy of the German Institute of Urban Affairs (DIFU / Deutsches Institute für Urbanistik)
Project description: Copenhagen is the perfect model of a successful bicycle traffic system. That is why team red organized a three-day field trip for the Bicycle Academy to the Danish capital in 2009.
The objective of the trip was to take participants closer to the planning possibilities and current developments implemented within the bicycle traffic promotion of Copenhagen, from a theoretical as well as a practical point of view. Through direct contact with local experts, participants learned for the benefit of their own bicycle traffic policy.
- Organization, preparation and running of the trip
- Agenda setting and supporting program
- Support and moderation during excursions
Project number for further inquiries: P142
Do you want to learn more about our Learning Journeys? Click here.
team red Deutschland GmbH
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10119 Berlin
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